Public Services Council Meeting of August 27, 2019


Doe 303

Chairs: Beth Dupuis and Salwa Ismail

Facilitator: Salwa Ismail

Minutes: Salwa Ismail

Present: Jutta Wiemhoff, Nicole Brown, Steve Mendoza, Jenifer Carter, Dave Wong, Susan Powell, Patrick Shannon, Lynne Grigsby, Mark Marrow, Trina Pundurs, Ann Glusker, Susan McElrath.


  1. Elsevier update and thoughts (Patrick and Salwa; 10 mins)

  2. Sciences Council proposal re: A-Z Databases List (Susan Powell; 15 mins)

  3. Update from Instruction Services Division (Nicole; 15 mins)

  4. Conversation and discussion around a PSC "signature initiative" and identification. (Everyone, 15 mins)

  5. AOB and Wrap-up (Everyone and Salwa; 5 mins)

Meeting Minutes

  1. Elsevier update and thoughts (Patrick and Salwa; 10 mins)

    1. ILL received 123 requests in July 2019 and so far 175 in August. Several have been filled using the OA options. So please encourage users to use all the OA options: UnPaywall, Kopernio, OpenAccess, etc. Please refer them to the Library's alternative access webpage, and link to that page from your guides as well (a suggestion from the Sciences Council meeting). If you get any feedback from faculty or students, please email it to Refer to Jo Anne's email from June 25th (subject: Anticipating Elsevier access cut off and how to help our patrons) for collecting feedback and user support. As the semester gears up, the public service desks might get more questions about this -- so please be prepared to show users how to use the OA browser plugins, and direct them to the appropriate information.

  2. Sciences Council proposal re: A-Z Databases List (Susan Powell; 15 mins)

    1. Clarify the proposal to use the phrase "database types" instead of "category types" to be consistent with the language on the A-Z database list. Also, clarify language for the Database Manager (identify the person or position) and the LibGuides Administrator. Clarification was asked on who the Database Manager was and it was answered that it is Sherry Lochhaas from the Acquisitions Unit. It was suggested to clarify the language to ask only one administrator to make the change once WAG has approved the change. WAG will be the main group that will ensure that there is no proliferation of the "database type" list and there are no duplicates or other issues in creating new types. Once Susan updates the proposal, she can resend it to Salwa and Beth as PSC co-Chairs and they will send it out to PSC for review and comment. Once finalized, Salwa/Beth will confer with the lead team/AULs who approve it and then it can be sent to the WAG chair by the PSC co-Chairs.

  3. Update from Instruction Services Division (Nicole; 15 mins)

    1. Please refer to the details here.

  4. Conversation and discussion around a PSC "signature initiative" and identification. (Everyone, 15 mins)

    1. One of the suggested ideas was <Printing>. In March PSC had discussed printing. It was suggested to allow patrons to pay for printing using cash instead of buying a guest print card, however, this was clarified by stating that payment using cash (like some public libraries do) would create more audit and other issues. It was suggested to create 1-min videos on how to print in the Library and to clarify the roles of who supports what in printing: UCSF vs LIT vs public service desk staff. Let's investigate where are the pain points.

    2. Another suggested idea was <Reference interview training>. This was done with the EPS Division and ISD (Nicole Brown and Susan Powell) and could be rolled out more broadly. There is a need to cross-fertilize things across different library staff (new managers, students, librarians, etc.) who staff the service desks so that the users get consistent service. It was suggested to add printing in addition to the reference interview training when the staff members are trained on being at the reference desk. This could be made into a broad initiative that would offer reference interview training and printing training (printing part offered by LIT ), this could offer a big advantage to our users if our public services staff are uniformly trained in the information they should have and know when at the public service desks or otherwise.

    3. Another signature initiative could be <Wayfinding>. Users get constantly lost in the building and meander. They don't know where the exits are or how to find service desks. Signage is an option but it can be costly.

  5. AOB and Wrap-up (Everyone and Salwa; 5 mins)

    1. Database A-Z list proposal will be revised and shared via email for approval

    2. The September meeting will be a continuation of brainstorming ideas for a signature PSC initiative, with library-wide benefit, that the council wants to focus/work on in the coming academic year.

Next Meeting: September 24, 2019 | Doe 303 | 10:30am.