Public Services Council Meeting of May 28, 2019

303 Doe, 10:30-11:30am

  1. PSC membership changes - farewell and welcome

    1. Bruce Williams has retired. Susan Xue has joined PSC as the EAL representative.

  2. Public computing - proposal for icons and homepages (40 min, Beth, Lynne)

    1. A Research Only station with the CleanBrowsing DNS software is available for testing in 289 Doe Annex. Feel free to drop in over the next two weeks to try it.

    2. CalNet Sync icon was questioned, but overall decided to retain. Need to ensure that the link goes to the one now listed in the document.

    3. OskiCat icon was suggested to retain/re-add; many public users may find it hard to locate otherwise and it is a core resource.

    4. IE icon was suggested to remove but decided to keep it because there will be no "Start" menu where people could access it otherwise.

    5. Aeon was suggested to add as an icon to the standard list.

    6. LIT is currently testing the new implementation and will incorporate these changes in the image. This rollout is planned for late summer but needs to be coordinated with the new printers and printer drivers also so may stretch into fall semester.

  3. UC interlibrary services survey update (5 min, Patrick)

    1. User satisfaction survey conducted by 8 UC campuses. Our response rate was less than our last survey in 2015 but still valuable feedback. 91% agreed or strongly agreed that interlibrary services meets their needs, including loan periods and more locations for picking up items which were issues we have addressed since the last survey. Currently parsing responses and Patrick will forward those to the appropriate units.

  4. Systemwide ILS (SILS) update (10 min, Patrick, Lynne)

    1. Vendors have been given a general outline of the items we want to see in their demonstrations. All library staff are welcome to attend the webcast demonstrations which will be July 29-August 9 in 303 Doe. Prior to attending, please preview the demo script and ways they are encouraging feedback through Patrick who will forward to the expertise groups. May be possible to also watch at your desk; details forthcoming.

    2. SILS data cleanup group is now charged and starting to develop lists of issues of top priority issues to address prior to a migration. Issues will be vetted with each campus to determine what they wish to address now. Lynne Grigsby is a co-chair; Trina Pundurs is a member.

    3. SILS governance group is now charged. Lynne Grigsby is a member and will be joined by AUL Salwa Ismail for Berkeley representative.

  1. Other updates and announcements (5 min, All)

    1. NRLF 4 construction project officially beginning next week.

    2. Cal1 card was planned to be a new vendor but campus has pulled that project for now.

    3. Suggested that next PSC meeting include invites to all incoming members too.

    4. In March we began discussions about future focus areas for public services. I'd like to continue that conversation after AUL Salwa Ismail joins us this summer.