Circulation Services Group Meeting of July 2, 2019

Room change: 105

Attendees: Jenifer Carter (MRC), Vaughn Egge (ISD/AHD), Beth Shippey (EPS), Kristen Van Vliet (ILL), Agustin Ramirez (ITSL), Blake Lindsey (Math), Peter Soriano (EPS), Michele Buchman (LHS), Albert Chang (EAL), Michael Villarreal (ENGI), Phylicia Mossiah (LHS), Agnes Concepcion (EPS), Jennifer Osgood (AHAS), Dori Hsiao (ENVI), Erica Lindensmith (PRES), Francis Francisco (BIOS), Brian Light (SSD), Fedora Gertzman (AHD), Ellen Dario (NRLF), Jutta Wiemhoff (NRLF), Angela Arnold (MUSI), Marito Solis (DMCS), Ryan Barnette (DMCS), Brice Sullivan (LHS), Bonita Dyess (EART), Peter Basmarjian (SSD), Eileen Pinto (LIT)

  1. Introductions
  2. Announcements
  1. Agnes: SSG sending out email request to fulfill next co-chair position due to Michelle's term ending.
  1. NRLF Phase 4 Presentation (Jutta and Ellen)

Question was asked pertaining to the effect of different barcodes used, which Jutta explained the issue is still being determined as it's based off of the ILS used between UC system in the near future.

Question was asked if SLE's will be using the mechanical lift which Jutta answered by stating a new staff position will be created to fulfil this duty.

  1. Restricted Use Items - Policy/procedure review
  1. Issue: LEAD team would like to stop collecting Cal ID cards and State License/ID cards in exchange for usage of restricted items.
  2. Discussed background pertaining to the reason why the issue has occurred. Jenifer discussed paging restricted use items under the supervisor/library account from NRLF on patron's behalf and holding it on the holdshelf for 1 month if needed. Peter mentioned Cal ID cards were lost in the past at MAIN which resulted in the purchases of new cards and bus passes to the inconvenienced patron, paid for by the library. Kristen mentioned issue to workflow at ILL if ID cards held at the desk is decided against. Angela mentioned Music's policy which included checking out material in patron's name. Michelle mentioned restricted use checkout loan period being due at closing if checked out by patron.
  3. Solution: CSG will bring notes to Mark's attention and to obtain clarity on the issue at hand.
  1. Open Discussion

No comments made. Meeting adjourned.