Circulation Services Group Meeting of June 4, 2019


  1. Introductions
  2. Announcements
  3. Public Computing Updates
  4. Informal Assessment: Approaches and Methods
  5. Open Discussion

Attendees: Jenifer Carter (Co-chair), Fedora Gertzman(Co-chair), Nancy Tran (DMCS), Craig Alderson (SOCR), Paul King (IGS), Marito Solis (DMCS), Albert Chung (EAL), Jenny Schuelke (EPS), Michael Villarreal (ENGI), Ellen Dario (NRLF), Tom Brown (DMCS), Erika Lindensmith (PRES), Kristen Van Vliet (ILL), Agustin Ramirez (ITS), Bonita Dyess (EPS), Brian Light (SSD), Jenifer Osgood (AHIAS), Peter Soriano (EPS), Molly Rose (ENVI), Ryan Barnette (DMCS), Esther Gold (DMCS), Michele Buchman (LHS), Blake Lindsey (EPS), Francis Francisco (LHS), Phylicia Mossiah (LHS), Mark Marrow (ASD), Paul Lynch (NEWS), Angela Arnold (MUSI), Eileen Pinto (LIT)

  1. Introductions
  2. Announcements
    1. Nancy: Reminder for all Staff/Student Employees to bring badges and Cal 1 Card when entering Main Stacks same as for entering Moffitt Library. There are roughly 50+ MAIN books with pop message of “Do not check in, give to Esther Gold.” We have a patron leaving pencil markings in all of his returned books. Please select “set in transit, do not check in” if these items are returned at your subject specialty libraries.
    2. Albert: Bruce Williams is retiring
    3. Eileen: Training Server refresh - closed for the entire month of July 2019
    4. Jenifer: MRC is officially opened; stay tuned for an Open House announcement; please direct patrons to return materials directly back to MRC
    5. Jenifer: “Preventing Damage to Library Items” Exhibit Working Group - This group will be educating patrons on proper handling of library materials, possibly including creating a bookmark or handout to give out to patrons. Please contact Jenifer/Fedora if you're interested in volunteering for this group.
    6. Fedora: Restricted-Use Items - Policies and Procedures - Request all libraries that lend out restricted items to fill out the document above. This will be forwarded to Lead team to standardize the procedure around restricted use items.
    7. Fedora: Creation of CSG Materials bDrive folder -- This will be shared later with the group
  3. Public Computing Updates - Public Access computers with no productivity software
    will soon grant the public access to emails and selective internet (clean browsing DNS). Malicious websites and pornography will be blocked. This is due to non-UC Berkeley patrons not being able to print from their mobile device - with email access, they now can print. With Windows 10 deployment and new contract with UCSF the Library will be getting new printers.
  4. Informal assessment: Approaches and Methods - At Art History / Classics Library, a survey has been put up asking users, “What are you working on this summer?” ENVI has a little survey in the recording room. ENGI has left mini surveys in Presentation Kits asking which items are being used. It was mentioned that Chan Li would be a good resource for knowing where to store data and how to share data.
    1. ASUC has given two grants - $75,000 (short-term laptops refresh) and $90,000 (long-term laptops program). We have to do an assessment program with these items to show some kind of data on usage and what the funds have done for students.
  5. Open Discussion
    1. Blake: Would like colleagues to be aware that statistics (LibInsight) might not be recording properly and they have been timing out
    2. Mark: Vendor demos for SILS in July/August 2019. There is a proposal to harmonize loan rule starting with undergrad across campus with regular collection. If anyone has any questions about SILS, please review the emails sent out by Patrick and send comments to him.
    3. Mark: Sub location request is due on Friday 6/7/2019