Circulation Services Group Meeting of April 2, 2019


  1. Introduction of Attendees- Jenifer Carter-MRC (Co-chair), Fedora Gertzman-AHC (Co-chair), Vaughn Egge-SSEA/ISD, Peter Soriano-EPS, Jenny Schuelke- EPS, Erica Lindensmith-Pres, Molly Rose - ENVI, Esther Gold - DMCS, Ryan Barnette- DMCS, Neda Salem-ESL, Jenna Jackson-Access Services, Agustin Ramirez-ITSL, Phylicia Mossiah-LHS, Jen Osgood-AHIAS, Francis Francisco - LHS, Blake Lindsey-EPS, Beth Shippey- EPS, Mark Marrow-Access Services, Brian Light-SSD, Albert Chung - EAST, Peter Basmarjian-SSD, Bonita Dyess - EPS, Agnes Concepcion - EPS, Michael Golden-LBNL, Michele Buchman-LHS, Sophie Rainer-Access Services, Angela Arnold - Musi, Michael Villarreal - Engi
  1. Announcements
    1. Sophie Rainer: The online agreement form and LibGuide for the Library Staff Device Lending Program are now live and can be found on the Staff Web under L, Laptop and device-loans to staff.
    2. Mark Marrow: 2 legacy barcodes for UCPath ID. Load will be performed on Thursday.
    3. Mark Marrow: You can now borrow a Charge Tech Portable AC Power Bank for your mobile device. TSA approved.
  1. Circulation procedures/Discussion: PHIL book search
    1. Fedora and Jen visited the Philosophy Library and found 7 non-Philosophy books including 1 book billed 2 years ago.
  1. Physics-Astronomy Library inventory project
    1. Peter and Jenny reviewed how they tackled the project by completing a recent inventory of the Physics Library monograph collection. Since Berkeley does not have access to Millennium's inventory module, Peter and Jenny found a method to cross-reference items found on the shelf with a complete list of PHYS monographs in Millennium using Excel. The project took 8 months to complete. 16,600 monographs were scanned by students using a Tricoder barcode scanner. The results were compiled to a list and compared against a Millennium list of all items in the monograph collection. Discrepancies were reviewed. Their method found both items that Millennium noted to be on the shelf, but were not, and items that were on the shelf but not found in Millennium. They also discovered a wide variety of other issues including misshelved items, mislabeled items, and items belonging to other libraries.