Arts & Humanities Council Meeting of June 4, 2020


Facilitator: J. Ott

Minutes: N. Shiraishi

Attending: José Adrián Barragán-Álvarez, Jan Carter, Lynn Cunning, Manuel Erviti, David Faulds, Frank Ferko , Sheehan Grant, Ruth Haber, Mohamed Hamed, Jianye He, Chan Li (guest), Adnan Malik, Toshie Marra, Steve Mendoza, Jeremy Ott (facilitator), Scott Peterson, Claude Potts, Stacy Reardon, Abby Scheel, John Shepard, Virginia Shih, Naomi Shiraishi (recorder), and Susan Xue

  1. Announcements

Jeremy Ott reminded the Council of the moment of silence in memory of George Floyd that many are taking at 11:00 a.m.; the Council decided that it would likewise observe a moment of silence.

Jeremy thanked members who contributed to the freely available resources page; 3 new sections have been added: Southeast Asian Studies, Middle Eastern Studies, and Jewish Studies.

Stacy Reardon announced that DH summer institute was cancelled, but 2 week virtual conference will take place instead.

  1. Conversation about the Ithaka survey results in relation to International and Area Studies (M. Hamed)

Mohamed Hamed presented on his analysis on the result of Ithaka Survey from International and Area Studies faculty, focusing on the difference in responses between IAS and UCB overall. For example, IAS faculty tend to rely on specific databases, personal collection, ILL, print books and all types of materials.

  1. Report on collection development trip to the Netherlands (S. Mendoza)

Steve Mendoza shared his photos and experience from the book buying trip to the Netherlands he made right before the Shelter in Place.

  1. Reflections at year's end (all)

Jeremy announced that Jan Carter and Steve Mendoza are retiring. Jan has worked at UCB Library for 40 years and Steve 36 years (although he has been in the library since 1982).

Some members of the Council expressed their thoughts about the current situation and suggested that the positive attitude is important.

  1. Function Council reports-No report was made.

  1. Expertise Group reports

Next meeting: August 2020