Arts & Humanities Council Meeting of September 5, 2019

10:00-11:30am, 303 Doe Library

Facilitator: J. Ott

Minutes: L. Pendse

Attendees: S. Reardon, M. Evriti, S. Mendoza, A. Scheel, S. Xue, M. Hamed, J. He, D. Faulds, V. Shih, T. Marra, L. Pendse, J. Ott, A. Malik, J. Shepard, J. Carter, S. Peterson, L. Pendse, L. Cunningham

Guest: Tim Vollmer

  1. Announcements

    1. FSM Café Program Committee, Constitution Day related panel on 16 September 2019 in FSM

    2. New Frontiers in Japanese Digital Humanities in Academic Innovation Studio and 180 Doe on 11 September 2019.

    3. Acquisition trip over summer in China and Inner Mongolia by J. He

    4. Gale Digital Scholar Lab Presentation at 1 pm on 11 September 2019 in Doe 303 (S. Reardon)

    5. Reminder of upcoming JSTOR visit to the Library: 17 September from 3-4, Doe 303 (J. Ott)

    6. Campus visit and short library tour on 26 August 2019 for German Parliamentary Delegation - Committee on Education, Research, and Technology Assessment. (J. Ott)

  2. Welcome/Introduction to Tim Vollmer (Scholarly Communication & Copyright Librarian)

    1. Priorities- Educational Outreach on Copyright, Digital Publishing Workshop during the OA week (end of October), Supporting OA publishing with M. Phillips, Exploring new transformative OA agreements, RISC assessment workflows including contracts, privacy and ethical consideration.

    2. Summer 2020- Text and Datamining Institute for humanities researchers in conjunction with other national specialists @UC Berkeley

    3. M. Hamed- suggested a guide for copyright/ IP geared towards International and Area Studies.

  3. Promoting CRL resources (L. Pendse)

    1. M. Hamed- Proposals for microfilming through CRL. Use of Libguides during departmental orientations.

    2. Creation of CRL libguide

    3. Asking the departments and the Title Area International and Area Studies related centers to see if they can contribute towards the paying of CRL membership dues.

  4. Planning an international conference (C. Potts)The New Shape of Sharing: Networks, Expertise, Information (Fiesole 2020) (C. Potts) The discussion was postponed as C. Potts was out.

  5. A and H Council Future Directions Survey (J. Ott)

    1. Survey results were provided by J. Ott. 87% response rate from Council members. The highest ranked Council activities were presentations from Council members on local work, professional interests, and travel for collection development and conferences, and presentations by library staff beyond the council in addition to individuals within the university community broadly. Presentations of Function Council and Expertise Group Reports were the lowest ranked activity; consequently, Council members are asked to limit reports to items of relevance to the Council and keep reports under two minutes; items requiring lengthier consideration should be submitted to the Chair so that they may be added as formal agenda items. A majority of the Council believed that meetings are too frequent; consequently, the number of annual meetings will be reduced by canceling meetings for months in which there is not a significant agenda.

  6. Function Council reports

    1. Collection Development Leadership Group (A. Scheel)

      1. This fall an early call for strategic funding will go out.

      2. Lisa Rowlison informed about cataloging backlogs. Reducing and prioritizing of backlogs; Jo Anne has funding to outsource the cataloging.

      3. OA investment was discussed. Project Transform at CDL. Pay to publish model.

      4. Budget Reduction was discussed in regard to prioritization. Library could follow the lead of State Government.

      5. Chan Li provided the overview of the survey data and pointed out that the content of Tableau related to the collections can be used to create additional reports

    2. CSC (M. Hamed)

      1. Stacy will be co-Chair with Jesse Silva for this year.

      2. Salwa discussed the ILL data and reported on simplifying the data points to 15 elements in discussion with CDL and ILL.

      3. Enhancing the existing records for non-Western languages in Oskicat by overlaying the OCLC vernacular script data will be discussed with the CDLG/ LIT and Cataloguing departments.

    3. Public Services Council (S. Mendoza)

      1. Salwa to co-Chair with Beth.

      2. Sherry Lochhaas discussed technical issues with A to Z database list

      3. Signature Initiatives within the library were discussed along with the reference hall printing issues, reference interview training and wayfinding around the building.

    4. Roundtable Update (A. Scheel)

      1. Salwa on the Statewide ILS committee.

      2. The assessment survey data in Tableau was presented and discussed (C. Li)

      3. Strategic funding amount has not yet been set but the deadline is set for the end of November.

    5. Assessment Advisory Group (M. Hamed)

      1. Discussed priorities for upcoming projects for the year.

      2. Discussion of faculty survey action plan.

      3. Assessment 101 training in October.

  7. Expertise Group reports

    1. Teaching and Learning (J. Ott)

    2. LibInsight areas of interest were discussed.

Next meeting: November 07, 2019