Arts & Humanities Council Meeting of August 1, 2019

10:00-11:30am, 303 Doe Library

Facilitator: J. Ott

Minutes: S. Reardon

Attendees: J. Carter, L. Cunningham, M. Erviti, F. Ferko, M. Hamed, J. He, A. Malik, T. Marra, S. Mendoza, J. Ott, C. Potts, S. Reardon, A. Scheel,

Guest: C. Li

1. Future directions for the Council: A discussion of interests and priorities (J. Ott)

  1. Discussed Council mission and history, reviewed recent activities of the Council, discussed logistics of meetings (frequency and location)

  2. Convened small groups to fill out survey and discuss interest and importance of various A&H Council activities

  3. Next step is to get feedback from those who were unable to attend and report back.

2. Function Council reports

  1. Collection Development Leadership Group (A. Scheel)

    1. Retreat to discuss priorities for the new year, including GOBI approval plan, data support and hosting, digital media, open access, cataloging, microfilming of newspapers

    2. No surprises for selector funds.

  2. Public Services Council (S. Mendoza)

    1. Reminder that public computers will be updated.

  3. Roundtable Update (A. Scheel)

    1. Budget came out. Base was accepted.

  4. Web Advisory Group (M. Erviti)

    1. Web staff redesign committee will take ownership over the staff website, some changes coming.

    2. How to increase discoverability of CRL resources.

  5. Assessment Advisory Group (M. Hamed)

    1. Discussed priorities for upcoming projects for the year.

    2. Discussion of survey on website redesign.

3. Expertise Group reports

  1. Data Initiatives expertise group (L. Cunningham)

    1. Group will not be meeting until further notice.

4. Tableau: First dashboards, future development, and collections-related needs (Guest: Chan Li)

  1. Review what kinds of data are in Tableau.

  2. Invitation to review the dashboards and send feedback for the types of data to be collected.

  3. Preview of different places to see circulation and usage data (look at SLM for links).

  4. Brainstorming additional types of circulation and usage data to collect or suggestions for improving the data being collected.

Next meeting: September 05, 2019