Arts & Humanities Council Meeting of May 2, 2019 10:00-11:30am, 303 Doe Library

Facilitator: C. PottsMinutes: J. Ott

Attendees: L. Cunningham, M. Erviti, S. Grant, M. Hamed, J. He, A. Malik, T. Marra, J. Ott, S. Reardon, A. Scheel, V. Shih

  1. Announcements:

    1. Abby reminded the group that Frank Ferko starts tomorrow as Music Metadata Librarian.

    2. Mohamed will be attending a workshop on Islamic manuscripts at UCLA.

    3. The Bay Area Book Festival is this weekend, as Claude reminded the group.

    4. Stacy reminded the Council of the Undergraduate Library Fellows Showcase (Mon., May 6, 1:00-2:00 p.m., Morrison 405) and of the Charlene Conrad Liebau Library Prize reception in Morrison Library (Wed., May 08, 4:00-6:00 p.m.).

    5. Jeremy informed the group of his imminent summer travel to Germany and the Nordic region.

  1. Function Council reports:

    1. New representatives needed for CSC, WAG and AHC chair - please contact Claude by May 31 if interested, new appointments will be confirmed at the June 6 meeting.

    2. Cataloging & Metadata Council (A. Malik): The Council continued work on LC subject headings related to immigration.

    3. Collection Development Leadership Group (A. Scheel): The Group discussed the recently released Library-wide permissions policy; Abby also noted delays in binding due to bindery staffing issues.

    4. Collection Services Council (J. Ott & S. Reardon): Did not meet.

    5. Public Services Council (S. Mendoza): Did not meet.

    6. Roundtable Update (A. Scheel): Did not meet.

    7. Web Advisory Group (L. Cunningham): The Library website survey will be followed by user interviews; work is being done to prepare EDS UI feedback on suggested improvements to EBSCO.

    8. Assessment Advisory Group (M. Hamed): Did not meet.

  2. Expertise Group reports

    1. Data Initiatives expertise group (L. Cunningham): The Group is developing a 'Data Services' section for the Selector Liaison Manual, to be completed this summer.

    2. Scholarly Communication expertise group (L. Pendse & S. Reardon): Did not meet.

    3. Teaching and Learning expertise group (L. Cunningham & J. Ott): The Group reviewed a draft report on the reference and instruction documentation form, and will work on beta versions of a redesigned form while the current LibInsight form remains in use. The A&H Council offered additional feedback on integrating classroom locations

    4. Report on a recently acquired book: Amaranth Borsuk's The Book (C. Potts)

  1. Report on a trip: Diversity & Serendipity in Malaysia and Thailand: Fruits of a Multipurpose Journey (V. Shih)Virginia provided a presentation on her Oct.-Nov. 2018 trip to Malaysia and Thailand, where she visited eight cities and acquired 400+ books (and also rare accordion style Thai manuscripts) through gift and purchase. She also built and enhanced relationships with vendors and booksellers, visited academic and cultural institutions, attended the National and International Bangkok Book Fair, and gave several talks and lectures.

Next meeting: June 6, 2019