Arts & Humanities Council Meeting of February 7, 2019

10:00-11:30am, 303 Doe

Chair: C. PottsMinutes: A. Malik

Attendees: J. Carter, L. Cunningham, S. Edwards, M. Erviti, S. Grant, R. Haber, C. Li, A. Malik, T. Marra, S. Mendoza, J. Ott, C. Potts, A. Scheel, J. Shepard, V. Shih, B. Williams, S. Xue

  1. Announcements: Jeremy, Mohamed, and Liladhar received a LAUC research grant to analyze faculty citations for the German, Slavic Languages and Literatures, and Near Eastern Studies departments. They will work on this project during the next academic year.

  1. Collecting Globally, Connecting Locally: 21st Century Libraries - Susan Edwards & Chan Li: Susan and Chan presented their findings and process for a research project and presentation delivered at ARL Assessment Conference in Houston. It was followed by a detailed discussion by the group.

  2. Function Council reports:

    1. Cataloging & Metadata Council (A. Malik): The meeting was cancelled.

    2. Collection Development Leadership Group (A. Scheel): The group will meet later in the day to decide on strategic funding proposals.

    3. Collection Services Council (J. Ott & S. Reardon): There was discussion of the reduction in binding allocations. Also discussed were changes in the preservation policy for newspapers with a pilot project according to the new guidelines in the offing.

    4. Research Data Management (S. Peterson): No report available.

    5. Public Services Council (S. Grant & S. Mendoza): Public computing review was finalized. Beth will pass on report for implementation.

    6. Roundtable Update (A. Scheel): There was no meeting.

    7. Web Advisory Group (L. Cunningham): Changes made to the library homepage. Now the search terms are retained in the `start your search' box. Earlier they were erased when the patron left the page. A notice has been added to update patrons on the status of the Elsevier negotiations.

    8. Assessment Advisory Group (M. Hamed): No report available.

  1. Expertise Group reports

    1. Data Initiatives expertise group (L. Cunningham): No meeting.

    2. Scholarly Communication expertise group (L. Pendse & S. Reardon): No report available.

    3. Teaching and Learning expertise group (L. Cunningham & J. Ott): Continued discussion about LibInsight.

  1. Selector Stewardship Roles and Guidance Working Group (SSRGWG)The working group met on 1/22 and reviewed its charge. Meeting monthly, the group will continue with GOBI profiling together and creating appropriate documentation and recommendations for selectors. Jan and Claude, as AH Division representatives, will attend future meetings and seek selector/liaison input.

    1. Non-subject parameters list: Non-subject parameters were discussed in earlier meetings however Jo Anne would like these to be the same across divisions. Selectors should send comments to Jan and Claude by February 22.

    2. AH Division continues to work on the list of publishers which will remain separate for each division. Selectors need to review the publishers list and indicate their agreement/disagreement with the suggested actions. The list is accessible as of now and it is requested that everyone look at least through line 45 - those publishers designated to send books automatically and not slips based on the profile.

Next meeting: March 7