Arts & Humanities Council Meeting of January 17, 2019 10:00-11:30am, 303 Doe

Attendees: J. Carter, L. Cunningham, E. Dupuis, M. Erviti, S. Grant, R. Haber, M. Hamed, Chan Lee, A. Malik, T. Marra, S. Mendoza, J. Ott, C. Potts (chair), A. Scheel, J. Shepard, S. Reardon, V. Shih, S. Reardon and S. Xue.

Facilitator: C. PottsMinutes: M. Hamed

  1. Welcome Abby Scheel

  2. Announcements:

    1. Jeremy shared some information about the annual joint meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America/Society for Classical Studies held in San Diego

    2. Abby announced the California International Antiquarian Book Fair in Oakland on Feb. 9-10

    3. Claude reminded everyone about CODEX earlier that same week in Richmond

    4. Mohamed will attend two book fairs in February - Cairo & Casablanca

  3. Issues for Cataloging & Metadata Council (A. Malik)

    1. Issues or ideas related to metadata to be shared with Adnan, and he will share them for more discussions through the Catalog & Metadata Council (CMC) meetings

  4. Function Council reports

    1. Collection Development Leadership Group (E. Dupuis)

      1. Decisions about the strategic one-time funding will be made by the end of February

      2. Selector Stewardship Roles and Guidance Working Group (SSRGWG) has been formed and will start meeting soon.

      3. Cataloging backlogs: Specific items including microfilms may come back to selectors for decisions about funding

    2. Collection Services Council (J. Ott & S. Reardon)

    3. Roundtable Update (E. Dupuis)

      1. Elsevier contract ends by January 31st. perpetual access is maintained for Elsevier resources before that date. Selectors to be ready to help researchers finding needed resources through alternative venues including ILL.

    4. Web Advisory Group (L. Cunningham)

      1. The WAG EDS sub-group will be working next on a student survey, and then focus groups to provide feedback on the Discovery interface.

    5. Assessment Advisory Group (M. Hamed)

      1. Faculty Survey: Ithaka is working on data cross-tabulation. According to UCB departments' mapping, (LAAG) will receive cross-tabulated data for Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, Life and Health Sciences, Physical Sciences and Engineering, and other non-teaching programs. The final report will be ready by the end of spring 2019.

  5. Expertise Group reports

    1. Data Initiatives expertise group (L. Cunningham)

      1. UCB data will be migrated/added to Dataverse.

      2. Amy Neeser is working on the "Love Data Week 19", which will take place at UCB Library from February 11 to 13.

    2. Teaching and Learning expertise group (L. Cunningham & J. Ott)

      1. By July 2019, the Library will be using LibInsight instead of LibAnalytics.

  6. Final discussion of Strategic Collection Development Proposals

    1. list of proposals submitted

    2. guidelines

    3. The group discussed the proposals and their online rankings. Beth and Abby will take the list with all the information about each proposal to CDLG for the final decision before the end of February.

    4. The group shared its wish for getting CDLG's decision shared quickly. Also for the future the group wishes to get the Strategic Funding proposals process started early to allow for more trials in the fall.

Next meeting: February 7, 2018