Subject libraries and collections
- Art for the Asking: 60 Years of the Graphic Arts Loan Collection
- Birds Do It, Bees Do It: A Century of Sex (Mis)Education in the United States
- Bridging the Bay: Bridging the Campus
- A Brief History of Literatura de Cordel
- Bunker: The optimism of the pessimistic
- California’s Legal Heritage: The Robbins Collection
- Capturing Struggle through American and Ukrainian Lenses
- Chinese Overseas: Challenges & Contributions
- Cuban Poster Art
- The Daily Californian: The First 150 Years
- The Emma Goldman Papers
- Environmental Design Archives online exhibits
- The Fallen Weichafe: State Violence and the Struggle for Indigenous Rights in Chile
- First 50+ years of the Campus & City: Explore Cal and the City of Berkeley with Oski from 1860-1920
- The Paul Kendel Fonoroff Collection for Chinese Film Studies
- From Cordel to Libros Cartoneros: Latin American Print Culture
- Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft Digital Exhibit
- Heart of the Campus: Doe Library 1912-2012
- A Hundred Harvests: The History of Asian Studies at Berkeley
- I Gave My Dreams to Liangshan: The Yi People in the Chinese Literary Imagination
- Illustrating México One Page at a Time: Print Art of José Guadalupe Posada
- Indonesia: Spectacles of Small-Scale Gold Mining
- The Languages of Berkeley: An Online Exhibition
- Letters | الحروف How Artists Reimagined Language in the Age of Decolonization
- Library Exhibition Posters
- Life and Resistance in the Mapuche Territory, Chile
- Mapping the Bay
- Négritude: Sharing Spaces in the Caribbean and Latin America
- The Nineteenth Amendment: The Fight for Women’s Suffrage as Seen Through “The Woman Citizen”
- No Legacy || Literatura Electrónica
- One Hundred Latin American Female Writers
- Power and the People: The U.S. Census and Who Counts
- The Power of Patterns: Double Ikat for Textile Exchange in India and Indonesia
- Project IRENE
- Roma Pacifica: The Phoebe Hearst International Architectural Competition and the Berkeley Campus, 1896-1930
- The Russian Revolution Centenary: 1917 - 2017
- Science Gets Graphic!: Cartoons, Comics, and Graphic Novels in the Sciences
- Shelf Life: Preserving the Library’s Collections
- Silicon Raj: Making a Difference to America’s Future
- Transportation Futuristics
- Tumbling the Ivory Tower: Creating the Race Requirement at UC Berkeley
- University of California History Digital Archives
- The University at the Turn of the Century: 1899-1900
- ¡Viva la Revolución Mexicana: 1920-2020!
- We're Here, We’re Queer, and We’re in the Public Record!
- Women Who Figure: An Exhibit Inspired by the Mathematicians of “Hidden Figures”
The Bancroft Library
- 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Fire
- Bear in Mind: The California Grizzly at The Bancroft Library
- Bioscience at Berkeley, Biotechnology in the Bay Area
- Breaking Through: A Century of Physics at Berkeley
- Building Bancroft: The Evolution of a Library
- California Art Research Archive
- The California Gold Rush Experience
- A Centennial Celebration: California Women and the Vote
- Centering Philippine and Filipinx American Histories
- Chinese in California, 1850-1925
- Fiat Lux Redux: Ansel Adams and Clark Kerr
- Foundations of Anthropology at the University of California
- Global Influence: Preserving Moving Images from Environmental Movements in the West, 1920-2000 (a CLIR Recordings at Risk grant project)
- Images of Native Americans
- Italian Americans in California
- The Lehmers at Berkeley
- Logan Collection of Photographic Books
- Looking Backward/Looking Forward: Visions of the Golden State
- Mark Twain at Large: His Travels Here and Abroad
- Mark Twain at Play
- A Place at the Table: A Gathering of LGBT Text, Image, & Voice
- Shrouded in Mysteries: The Dark Underbelly of the Golden Gate Bridge
- Slaying the Dragon of Debt: Fiscal Politics and Policy from the 1970s to the Present
- Women at Cal, 1910-1915