THE DIGITAL SOIL MAP OF THE WORLD NOTES FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Version 3.0, completed 10 May 1994 (C)1994 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. All rights reserved worldwide. All proprietary rights and author's rights in FAO data contained on CD-ROM shall remain the property of FAO. The user shall not reproduce for the benefit of third parties the data contained on this CD-ROM. Applications for permission to reproduce part or all of the data, with a statement of the purpose and extent of the reproduction, should be addressed to the Director, Publications Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153, Rome, Italy. When permission has been granted, the user agrees to acknowledge the source of FAO data as follows: "Source: Land and Water Development Division, FAO, Rome" in any public or commercial document or map or paper reproducing FAO data, or describing studies or computations based on the use of such data. FAO makes every effort to ensure accuracy of data but assumes no responsibility for errors and omissions in the data provided to users nor in the documentation accompanying it. FAO reserves the right to make changes to the data, codes, classification, periodicity and series coverage. FAO also reserves all rights to change the format of the data provided to the user. In case of breach by the user of any of the clauses contained herein, FAO reserves the right to seek appropriate compensation. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in the maps do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of FAO concerning the legal or constitutional status of any country, territory or sea area, or concerning the delimitation of frontiers. Preface The FAO-Unesco Soil Map of the World was published between 1974 and 1978 at 1:5.000.000 scale. Original paper maps, the printed legend and explanatory volumes for different regions of the world can be obtained from: Unesco Sales Agent Place de Fontenoy 75700, Paris, France The present data set is based on the Soil Map of the World. Some errors in the original maps, in the original digitized version, and consistency errors in the expansion file have been corrected. The soil legend has been updated and parts of the maps may also be updated in the future. Technical questions about the original soil map or suggestions about new developments or for corrections and improvements by users should be addressed to: Director, Land and Water Development Division Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Via delle Terme di Caracalla 00100, Rome, Italy FAX +39.6.52256275 The following NOTES provide information needed to use the digitized version of the soil map. Questions concerning the digitized map should be addressed to: FAO, Distribution and Sales Section Via delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 Rome, Italy FAX +39.6.5225 3152/5155/5649 Questions regarding the use of the software needed to use the digital information should be addressed to the makers of the software (1). _______________________________ (1) ARC/INFO is a Geographic Information System (GIS) software sold by Environmental System Research Institute (ESRI Inc.). Questions should be referred to: ESRI FAX +1.714.7935953 380 New York Street TEL +1.714.7932853 92373, Redlands, California TWX 9103321317 CONTENTS Page 1. Introduction 1 2. Notes on the FAO-Unesco Soil Map of the World 3 - Topographic base, Sheet distribution and projections 3 - Mapping unit 3 3. FAO Digitized Soil Map of the World 8 - Data base files for the map coverage 9 - Expansion File (WORLDEXP.DAT) 11 References 15 Annex I: Soil Units 16 Annex II: Listing of Names and Content of each Export file 20 Annex III: List of Countries by Continental Region 21 Africa North America Central America South America Europe and West of the Urals Central and North East Asia Near East Far East South East Asia Australasia 1. INTRODUCTION The Digitized Soil Map of the World at 1:5.000.000 scale consists of 65 EXPORT Files, arranged in ten continental areas. There are also an expansion file, and a text file labelled NOTES. The ten major continental regions are: - Africa (10 export files), - North America (7 export files), - Central America (2 export files), - South America (7 export files), - Europe and West of the Ural (8 export files), - Central and North East Asia (8 export files), - Near East (3 export files), - Far East (7 export files), - South East Asia (6 export files) and - Australasia (7 export files) Annex II gives a detailed listing of the names and contents of each file. Annex III gives a world list of countries, their codes and the continental group to which they belong. These NOTES describe briefly (i) the elements of the legend of the Soil Map of the World (Mapping Unit, Soil Unit, etc.), (ii) the structure of the data base linked to the digitized version of the Soil Map, and (iii) the expansion file of the Soil Data Base. The present version (3.0) of the digitized Soil Map of the World has been cleaned of errors both in the data base and in the lines constituting the digitized map itself. The projection for the original map sheets covering the Americas was the bipolar oblique conformal projection. The sheets covering Europe, Africa, Asia and Australasia, were compiled on the Miller oblated stereographic projection. The soil map in the digital data base (in ARC/INFO Export format) is in the Geographic projection (Latitude - Longitude). All maps were intersected with a template containing water related features (coastlines, lakes, glaciers and double-lined rivers). The Soil Map of the World except for Africa was intersected with the Country Boundaries map from the World Data Bank II (with country boundaries updated to January 1994 at 1:3 000 000 scale), obtained from the US Government. For Africa, the country boundaries are derived from the FAO Country Boundaries on the original FAO/Unesco Soil Map of the World. Country boundaries in both cases were checked and adjusted in certain places on the basis of FAO and UN conventions. File Format: The Soil Map of the World has been written on CD-ROM (all the **.E0* files) in ARC/INFO "EXPORT" format with "NONE" option (no data compression). That is, they are ASCII files and have a fixed record length of 80 bytes. Every single **.E0* file has 23000 maximum lines. In these NOTES the two stars (**) stand for the soil map of a single continental area such as North America (NAMSCNTL) or as Near East (NESCNTLL). The command "ARC IMPORT" will retrieve all the data from the **.E0* files. File types : The CD-ROM contains three different types of information: (a) Each of the ten continental regions is composed by: (i) Geographic coordinates of lines which constitute the soil map. (ii) Attribute files with information for each soil polygon on the map. In this file there is one record for each soil polygon. The coordinate and attribute files, (i.e. the (i) and (ii) type found in all the **.E0* files), constitute the GIS data base for the soil map. They cannot be separated and they can be read only by a GIS software (in this case by ARC/INFO software). The files also contain annotations: these are copyright and a disclaimer statements, which should appear on the soil map whenever it is printed. (b) The Expansion file for the World (WORLDEXP.DAT) contains additional information about the soil mapping units. In this file there is one record for each mapping unit,with comma delimited fields. (c) A text file (NOTES) with the information written in these pages. These last two files (WORLDEXP.DAT and NOTES) are in DOS TEXT (ASCII) format and can be read, and printed, by any DOS program. 2. NOTES ON THE FAO-Unesco SOIL MAP OF THE WORLD TOPOGRAPHIC BASE, SHEET DISTRIBUTION, AND PROJECTIONS The soil map of the world was prepared on the base of the topographic map series of the American Geographical Society of New York at a nominal scale of 1:5 000 000. The base map of the American Geographical Society of New York comprises 16 sheets; for the purpose of the Soil Map of the World the information has been redistributed over 18 sheets in order to obtain equal-sized sheets. A nineteenth sheet contains the legend. The Americas are compiled on the bipolar oblique conformal projection. The other sheets, covering Europe, Africa, Asia and Australasia, are based on the Miller oblated stereographic projection, a system consisting of three conformal projections centred on each continent, joined together in a continuous fashion by so-called "fill-in" projections. This allows a complete angular continuity between all sheets. MAPPING UNITS The legend of the original soil map of the World (FAO, 1974) comprises an estimated 4930 different map units, which consist of soil units or associations of soil units. When a map unit is not homogeneous, it is composed of a dominant soil and component soils. The latter are: associated soils, covering at least 20 % of the area; and inclusions, important soils which cover less than 20 % of the area. The list of components for each mapping unit is found on the back of the maps. The proportions of dominant and component soils in each mapping unit listed in the expansion file were derived by the Composition Rules in Table 1 (FAO, 1978). The term "mapping unit" should not be confused with the ARC/INFO parameter "MAP UNIT" which refers to the unit of length on digitized maps: meters, inches or degree decimals. SOIL UNITS: The legend of the soil map of the world (1974) comprises 106 soil units (from Af to Zt), grouped in 26 major soil groupings. An alphabetical list of soil unit symbols and their names is given in Annex I. Table 1. Composition rules for the proportions of dominant and component soils in each mapping unit (No.: number of associated soils or inclusions) ________________________________________________________________ Dominant Associated Soil Soil Soil(s) Inclusion(s) ________________________________________________________________ % of Area No. % of Area No. % of Area ________________________________________________________________ 100 0 0 0 0 90 0 0 1 10 80 0 0 2 10 + 10 70 0 0 3 10 + 10 + 10 70 1 30 0 0 60 1 30 1 10 60 2 20 + 20 0 0 50 2 20 + 20 1 10 50 1 30 2 10 + 10 50 1 30 4 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 40 2 20 + 20 4 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 40 1 30 1 10 40 2 20 + 20 2 10 + 10 30 3 20 + 20 + 20 1 10 30 2 20 + 20 3 10 + 10 + 10 30 3 20 + 20 + 20 2 5 + 5 25 3 20 + 20 + 20 3 5 + 5 + 5 24 3 20 + 20 + 20 4 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 ________________________________________________________________ PHASES: Phases are subdivisions of soil units based on characteristics which are significant to the use or the management of land but which are not diagnostic for the separation of soil units themselves. Phases are used, for example, where indurated layers or hard rock occur at shallow depth. The phases are: stony, lithic, petric, petrocalcic, petrogypsic, petroferric, phreatic, fragipan, duripan, saline, sodic and cerrado. These are shown as overprints on the original maps. When a phase is present in the mapping unit symbol, it is taken to apply to the dominant soil in the mapping unit, all associated soils and inclusions being considered unaffected. MISCELLANEOUS LAND UNITS: These are areas of "non-soil" such as dunes or shifting sands, salt flats, and rock debris or desert detritus. These are also shown as overprints on the original maps. TEXTURE: Textural classes reflect the relative proportions of clay (fraction less than 0.002mm), silt (0.002 - 0.05mm) and sand (0.05 - 2mm) in the soil. Three textural classes are recognized: coarse (1): sands, loamy sands and sandy loams with less than 18 percent clay and more than 65 percent sand; medium (2): sandy loams, loams, sandy clay loams, silt loams, silt, silty clay loams and clay loams with less than 35 percent clay and less than 65 percent sand; the sand fraction may be as high as 82 percent if a minimum of 18 percent clay is present; and fine (3): clay, silty clays, sandy clays, clay loams, with more than 35 percent clay. The textural class given in the mapping unit refers to the upper 30 cm of the dominant soil. Where two or three texture classes are indicated, each is taken to apply to 50 or 33 percent respectively of the dominant soil unit. The texture classes of component soils (associated soils and inclusions), and for dominant soils when not indicated in the mapping unit,were derived by the Composition Rules in Table 2 (FAO, 1978): ______________________________________________________________ Table 2 ______________________________________________________________ Dominant soils of mapping units where texture is not described and all associated and included soils are considered as medium textured (2), except: Qc, Ql, Qf, Qa, Po, Pf, Ph, Pp, Pg, Fx, which are classified as coarse textured (1); and, Vp, Vc, Zt, Bc, Bv, Lv, Fr, which are classified as fine textured (3). ______________________________________________________________ SLOPE: Slope classes indicate the slope that dominates in the area of soil association. Three slope classes are distinguished: level to gently undulating, with generally less than 8 percent slope (a), rolling to hilly with slopes between 8 and 30 percent (b) and steeply dissected to mountainous, with more than 30 percent slope (c). Where two or three slope classes are indicated, each is taken to apply to 50 or 33 percent respectively of the dominant soil unit. The slopes of component soils (associations and inclusions) and dominant soils when not indicated in the mapping unit, were derived by the Composition Rules in Table 3 (FAO, 1978, with five soil units updated): ______________________________________________________________ Table 3 ______________________________________________________________ Slope Class a: J, G, O, W, Z, S, V, Qa, Ap, Lp, Fp, Bg Slope Classes a/b: P, Y, X, K, C, H, M, L, D, F, Q Slope Class b: R, E, B, A, N Slope Classes b/c: T, U, I ______________________________________________________________ When only major soil units are designated in the mapping units (e.g. A), it is assumed that the whole mapping unit consists of the first individual soil unit listed under the major soil unit heading in Annex I (e.g. for A, it is Ao). CARTOGRAPHIC REPRESENTATION The soil associations are indicated on the original maps by the symbol of the dominant soil unit, followed by a number which refers to the descriptive legend on the back of the map, where the full composition of the association is given. Associations in which Lithosols are dominant are marked by the Lithosol symbol I combined with one or two associated soil units or inclusions; where there are no associated soils (or not known), the symbol I alone is used. When information on the texture of the surface layers (upper 30 cm) of the dominant soil is available, the textural class figure (1, 2, 3) follows the association symbol, separated from it by a dash. Where two or three groups of textures occur that could not be separated on the map, two or three figures may be used, separated by a slash. Slope classes are indicated by a small (lower case) letter: a, b or c, immediately following the texture notation. In complex areas where two or three types of topography occur that cannot be delimited on the map, two or three letters may be used. If information on texture is not available, the small letter indicating the slope class immediately follows the association symbol. Table 4 gives an example of the symbol and full composition of a soil mapping unit. The soil composition and the texture and slope classes distribution of this mapping unit are listed in tables 5, 6 and 7. ______________________________________________________________ Table 4 ______________________________________________________________ Bk23-2/3ab: soil mapping unit symbol; Bk: dominant soil, covering 40 % of the mapping unit; Bk23: refers to the soil components described on the back of the map (associated soils: K, and E, each covering 20 % of the mapping unit; and inclusions: Jc and Zo each covering 10 % of the mapping unit); 2/3: texture classes of the dominant soil; ab: slope classes of the dominant soil. _____________________________________________________________ Table 5: Composition of mapping unit: dominant, associated and included soil units. ______________________________________________________________ Soil Unit % of mapping unit ______________________________________ Dominant Bk 40 Associated K 20 Associated E 20 Inclusion Jc 10 Inclusion Zo 10 ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Table 6: Composition of mapping unit considering soil units, texture and slope ______________________________________________________________ Soil Unit Texture & % of mapping Slope unit __________________________________________ Bk 2a 10 % Bk 2b 10 % Bk 3a 10 % Bk 3b 10 % K 2a 10 % K 2b 10 % E 2b 20 % Jc 2a 10 % Zo 2a 10 % ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Table 7: Slope and texture classes of mapping unit ______________________________________________________________ Slope and Texture % of mapping Classes unit _____________________________________ Texture/slope class 2a 40 Texture/slope class 2b 40 Texture/slope class 3a 10 Texture/slope class 3b 10 _____________________________________ Texture 2 80 Texture 3 20 _____________________________________ Slope a 50 Slope b 50 ______________________________________________________________ 3. FAO DIGITIZED SOIL MAP OF THE WORLD MAP COVERAGE: INTRODUCTION The FAO-Unesco soil map of the world at 1:5.000.000 scale was originally digitized in 18 sheets. The maps were digitized in bipolar oblique conformal projection for the Americas and in Miller oblated stereographic projection for Europe, Asia, Africa and Australasia. The digitized information was then transformed to Geographic projection (Latitude and Longitude expressed in decimal degrees) for distribution on CD-ROM. The map is provided in this projection because it is the most simple way to represent maps in a GIS data base. The data base contains the coordinates and codes for all the topical information shown on the FAO-Unesco Soil Map of the World. All data were processed in vector format using ESRI's ARC/INFO software. The digitized soil data base is made available in ARC EXPORT format. The map unit for all the maps distributed on CD-ROM are degree decimals. The map should be converted to an equal area projection if it is to be used to calculate correct areas. A 'template' layer containing the polygonal land and water features information: coastlines, islands, lakes, glaciers and double lined rivers was prepared and digitized for each mapsheet. This layer was superimposed on the soil map (the information is represented in the FAOSOIL item as: inland WATer, and GLaciers). Country boundaries are included in the soil data base. The classification and coding of the soil mapping units operates on two levels. - First level attribute codes identify the mapping unit by type (for example, Bk23-2/3ab or ROCK). They are composed of the full map unit identifier, which includes the soil map unit symbol, miscellaneous land unit, permafrost and soil phases for each sequentially numbered map unit. - An extensive secondary code attribute table accompanies and is an expansion upon the first descriptive class. This gives qualitative and quantitative values for the components of the soil association (for the aforementioned mapping unit Bk23-2/3ab,for example, the expansion file will list: Bk: 40%, K: 20 %, E: 20 %, Jc: 10 %, Zo: 10 %). This information is contained in the Expansion file (WORLDEXP.DAT). The secondary code attribute values are related to their corresponding first level classes through a relational data base by a sequential code number (SNUM). The first level of information is printed on the front of the original paper maps (the mapping unit), while the secondary information comprises the information on the back of the paper maps together with specification of the components of the mapping unit and the percentage area of each. DATA BASE FILES FOR THE MAP COVERAGE After importing the **.E* files through the ARC/INFO "IMPORT" command, the data base for the soil map of the continental region imported is contained in the **.PAT file that will have been created in the INFO Data Base Management System. The template structure of the **.PAT will appear as follows: DATA FILE NAME: **.PAT 15 ITEMS: STARTING IN COLUMN 1 COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OTPWIDTH TYPE N.DEC 1 AREA 4 12 F 3 5 PERIMETER 4 12 F 3 9 **# 4 5 B 0 13 **-ID 4 5 B 0 17 SNUM 4 4 I - 21 FAOSOIL 17 18 C - 38 PHASE1 2 3 C - 40 PHASE2 2 3 C - 42 MISCLU1 1 1 I - 43 MISCLU2 1 1 I - 44 PERMAFROST 1 1 I - 45 CNTCODE 3 3 I - 48 CNTNAME 3 3 C - 51 COUNTRY_NAME 30 30 C - **REDEFINED ITEMS** 17 SOIL-INFO 64 67 C - 21 SOIL-ASSOCIATION 24 27 C - In order to utilise and manipulate the data, the information contained in each soil polygon had to be broken down into the various components (FAOSOIL, PHASE1, etc.), and to simplify data retrieval, codes were used to identify some of the soil characteristics. For example, the stony phase will be identified by the code 01 in the PHASE1 column. Here follows the description of the data contained in the template of the **.PAT. The first four items are items assigned by ARC/INFO software in the creation of the map, these relate the data base to the digitized map. The remaining items refer to the soil map itself. AREA: is the surface area of the polygon in square map units (Columns 1-4). PERIMETER:is the length of the polygon boundary in map units (Columns 5-8). **#: is the internal polygon number, automatically generated by ARC/INFO software when creating a polygon, which links the map feature (polygon label) to a record in the tabular data (Columns 9-12). **-ID: is the polygon user-ID sequence number assigned by the user (Columns 13-16). SNUM: is a sequential code, unique for each soil Mapping Unit, which links the first level of soil information to the World expansion data file (WORLDEXP.DAT). This number ranges from 1 to 6999, some numbers in the sequence have not been used (Columns 17-20). FAOSOIL: is the Soil Unit map symbol, or independent miscellaneous land unit symbol, defines either (Columns 21-37): - Soil Mapping Unit: the structure of this, starting with the main soil, is explained in Table 4 (list of soils in Annex I); or - Independent miscellaneous land units: D/SS = Dunes or Shifting Sand SALT = Salt flats ROCK = Rock debris or desert detritus; or - Soil-covering natural features: GL = Glaciers; or WAT = Inland water (lakes or double lined rivers) PHASE1 and PHASE2: comprise codes defining the phases by type: first and second phase of the mapping unit, if present (Columns 38-39 and 40-41): -- = No phase or no second phase 01 = Stony 02 = Lithic 03 = Petric 04 = Petrocalcic 05 = Petrogypsic 06 = Petroferric 07 = Phreatic 08 = Fragipan 09 = Duripan 10 = Saline 11 = Sodic 12 = Cerrado MISCLU1 and MISCLU2: comprise the codes defining the dependent miscellaneous land units by type: first and second miscellaneous land unit type (Columns 42 and 43): -- = no miscellaneous land unit or no second miscellaneous land unit 1 = Dunes or shifting sands (2 = Not used) 3 = Salt flats 4 = Rock debris or desert detritus PERMAFROST: indicates permafrost areas by type (Column 44) - = Not a permafrost area 1 = Permafrost 2 = Discontinuous permafrost CNTCODE: is a unique number for each country or area (Columns 45-47). Annex III gives a listing of country or area names and their corresponding numbers by continental region. CNTNAME: is a two letter code, unique for each country or area (Columns 48-50). Annex III gives a listing of country or area names and the respective codes by continental region. COUNTRY-NAME: is the Country or area name; (Columns 51-67). Annex III gives a listing of country or area names by continental region. SOIL-INFO: is a redefined item that comprises all items starting from column 17. SOIL-ASSOCIATION: is a redefined item that includes all soil information, with items starting from column 21 to 43. EXPANSION FILE (WORLDEXP.DAT) Each record (each line) of the expansion file for the world describes one Soil Mapping Unit, its components (Co-dominant, Associated soils, and Inclusions), the percentage occurrence of each soil within the Mapping Unit and pecentage of their texture and slope. The World Expansion file has 4931 records, one for each mapping unit and a total of 99 fields and 763 columns. The file was prepared using the following FORTRAN statement: FORMAT (I5,A1,A13,A7,A1,8(2A,A1,F8.3,10(A1,F7.2)). All the "A1" in this Format are commas. The first seven items in the expansion file are common with the items in columns 17 to 44 on the first level of information (SNUM, FAOSOIL, PHASE1, PHASE2, MISCLU1, MISCLU2, PERMAFROST). SNUM: (Columns 1-5) is a unique identifying number which ranges from 1 to 1972 for Africa and from 3001 to 6998 for the rest of the World (some numbers in the sequence were omitted). SNUM is the item which can be used to link with the INFO data base. FAOSOIL: (Columns 7-19) is the soil mapping unit symbol or independent miscellaneous land unit symbol, or other natural feature, common with the first level of data: - Soil Mapping Unit: The structure of this, starting with the main soil, is explained in Table 4; or - Independent miscellaneous land unit symbols: D/SS = Dunes or shifting sand SALT = Salt flats ROCK = Rock debris or desert detritus; or - other natural features: WATER = Inland water (lakes, wide rivers) GLACIER OCEAN - NO DATA indicates polygons for which no soil information is available. PHASE1 and PHASE2: (Columns 21-22, and 23-24) comprise the first and second phase, if present: -- = No phase or no second phase 01 = Stony 02 = Lithic 03 = Petric 04 = Petrocalcic 05 = Petrogypsic 06 = Petroferric 07 = Phreatic 08 = With Fragipan 09 = With Duripan 10 = Saline 11 = Sodic 12 = Cerrado MISCLU1 and MISCLU2: (Columns 25 and 26) are the first and second dependent miscellaneous land unit type, if present: -- = no miscellaneous land units or no second miscellaneous land unit 1 = Dunes or shifting sands 3 = Salt flats 4 = Rock debris or desert detritus PERMAFROST: (Column 27) indicates permafrost areas by type: - = Not a permafrost area 1 = Permafrost 2 = Discontinuous permafrost The twelve fields described below (first field from column 29 to column 30 and last field from columns 113 to column 119) are repeated 8 times, the first time describing parameters of the dominant soil, the remaining seven times the characteristics of the co-dominant, associations and/or inclusions when present. The first two fields, described more in detail below, define the Soil unit and its percentage occurrence, the next ten fields give the percentage value of the texture and slope respectively: 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c,3a,3b,3c,no texture and/or no slope. These 12 fields are separated by commas. The maximum number of components in a mapping unit is eight. When no components are present, the fields will be empty and the percent will contain zeroes. SOIL UNIT (Columns 29-30): lists the dominant soil unit code or the independent miscellaneous land unit code: Af - Zt = Soil unit DS = Dunes or shifting sands ST = Salt flats RK = Rock debris or desert detritus WR = Inland water or ocean GL = Glacier ND = No data PERCENT (Columns 32-39) defines the area of the mapping unit belonging to the dominant soil or miscellaneous land unit defined in columns 29-30. COMPONENT SOIL UNIT: (Columns 121-122) lists the component soil unit code (Co-dominant, association or inclusion) or the independent miscellaneous land unit: Af - Zt = Soil unit DS = Dunes or shifting sands ST = Salt flats RK = Rock debris or desert detritus ND = No Data PERCENT: (Columns 124-130) defines the percent of the mapping unit belonging to the component soil (or miscellaneous land unit) defined in columns 121-122. Then again 10 columns and so on. REFERENCES (1) FAO, 1974. FAO-Unesco Soil Map of the World, 1:5.000.000. Unesco, Paris. (1974) Volume I, Legend (1975) Volume II, North America (1975) Volume III, Mexico and Central America (1971) Volume IV, South America (1971) Volume V, Europe (1977) Volume VI, Africa (1977) Volume VII, South Asia (1978) Volume VIII, North and Central Asia (1979) Volume IX, Southeast Asia (1978) Volume X, Australasia. (2) FAO, 1978. Report on the Agro-Ecological Zones Project, World Soil Resources Report n. 48. FAO, Rome. Vol.1, Methodology and Results for Africa Vol.2, Results for South West Asia Vol.5, Results for Central and South America Vol.4, Results for South East Asia (3) UNEP/ISSS/ISRIC/FAO 1993. Global and national soils and terrain database (SOTER). Procedures manual. World Soil Resources Report 74. FAO,Rome. 122 p. Annex I SOIL UNITS Alphabetical order by Symbol A : ACRISOLS Ao : Orthic Acrisols Af : Ferric Acrisols Ah : Humic Acrisols Ap : Plinthic Acrisols Ag : Gleyic Acrisols B : CAMBISOLS Be : Eutric Cambisols Bd : Dystric Cambisols Bh : Humic Cambisols Bg : Gleyic Cambisols Bx : Gelic Cambisols Bk : Calcic Cambisols Bc : Chromic Cambisols Bv : Vertic Cambisols Bf : Ferralic Cambisols C : CHERNOZEMS Ch : Haplic Chernozems Ck : Calcic Chernozems Cl : Luvic Chernozems Cg : Glossic Chernozems D : PODZOLUVISOLS De : Eutric Podzoluvisols Dd : Dystric Podzoluvisols Dg : Gleyic Podzoluvisols E : RENDZINAS F : FERRALSOLS Fo : Orthic Ferralsols Fx : Xanthic Ferralsols Fr : Rhodic Ferralsols Fh : Humic Ferralsols Fa : Acric Ferralsols Fp : Plinthic Ferralsols G : GLEYSOLS Ge : Eutric Gleysols Gc : Calcaric Gleysols Gd : Dystric Gleysols Gm : Mollic Gleysols Gh : Humic Gleysols Gp : Plinthic Gleysols Gx : Gelic Gleysols H : PHAEOZEMS Hh : Haplic Phaeozems Hc : Calcaric Phaeozems Hl : Luvic Phaeozems Hg : Gleyic Phaeozems I : LITHOSOLS J : FLUVISOLS Je : Eutric Fluvisols Jc : Calcaric Fluvisols Jd : Dystric Fluvisols Jt : Thionic Fluvisols K : KASTANOZEMS Kh : Haplic Kastanozems Kk : Calcic Kastanozems Kl : Luvic Kastanozems L : LUVISOLS Lo : Orthic Luvisols Lc : Chromic Luvisols Lk : Calcic Luvisols Lv : Vertic Luvisols Lf : Ferric Luvisols La : Albic Luvisols Lp : Plinthic Luvisols Lg : Gleyic Luvisols M : GREYZEMS Mo : Orthic Greyzems Mg : Gleyc Greyzems N : NITOSOLS Ne : Eutric Nitosols Nd : Dystric Nitosols Nh : Humic Nitosols O : HISTOSOLS Oe : Eutric Histosols Od : Dystric Histosols Ox : Gelic Histosols P : PODZOLS Po : Orthic Podzols Pl : Leptic Podzols Pf : Ferric Podzols Ph : Humic Podzols Pp : Placic Podzols Pg : Gleyic Podzols Q : ARENOSOLS Qc : Cambic Arenosols Ql : Luvic Arenosols Qf : Ferralic Arenosols Qa : Albic Arenosols R : REGOSOLS Re : Eutric Gleysols Rc : Calcaric Regosols Rd : Dystric Regosols Rx : Gelic Regosols S : SOLONETZ So : Orthic Solonetz Sm : Mollic Solonetz Sg : Gleyic Solonetz T : ANDOSOLS To : Ochric Andosols Tm : Mollic Andosols Th : Humic Andosols Tv : Vitric Andosols U : RANKERS V : VERTISOLS Vp : Pellic Vertisols Vc : Chromic Vertisols W : PLANOSOLS We : Eutric Planosols Wd : Dystric Planosols Wm : Mollic Planosols Wh : Humic Planosols Ws : Solodic Planosols Wx : Gelic Planosols X : XEROSOLS Xh : Haplic Xerosols Xk : Calcic Xerosols Xy : Gypsic Xerosols Xl : Luvic Xerosols Y : YERMOSOLS Yh : Haplic Yermosols Yk : Calcic Yermosols Yy : Gypsic Yermosols Yl : Luvic Yermosols Yt : Takyric Yermosols Z : SOLONCHAKS Zo : Orthic Solonchaks Zm : Mollic Solonchaks Zt : Takyric Solonchaks Zg : Gleyic Solonchaks Annex II NAMES OF THE DIFFERENT FILES IN THE CD-ROM Africa : AFSCNTLL.E00 to AFSCNTLL.E09 Australasia : AUSCNTLL.E00 to AUSCNTLL.E04 (Australia) : NZSESTLL.E00 (New Zealand west of 180.00 E) : NZSWESTL.E00 (some islands forming part of New Zealand east of -180.00 W) Central America : CASCNTLL.E00 to CASCNTLL.E01 Central and : CENASLL.E00 to CENASLL.E02 North East Asia : SIBSCNTL.E00 to SIBSCNTL.E04 Europe and West of the Urals : EUSCNTLL.E00 to EUSCNTLL.E07 Far East : FESCNTLL.E00 to FESCNTLL.E06 North America : NAMSCNTL.E00 to NAMSCNTL.E06 Near East : NESCNTLL.E00 to NESCNTLL.E02 South America : SASCNTLL.E00 to SASCNTLL.E06 South East Asia : SEASESTL.E00 to SEASESTL.E04(west of 180.00 E) : SEASWEL.E00 (some islands in the Pacific east of -180.00 W) Annex III NUMERIC AREA CODE (1), TWO-LETTER CODE, AND FULL COUNTRY NAME Africa 4 AG ALGERIA 7 AO ANGOLA 20 BC BOTSWANA 29 BY BURUNDI 32 CM CAMEROUN 37 CT CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC 39 CD CHAD 45 CN COMOROS 46 CF CONGO 53 BN BENIN 59 EG EGYPT 61 EK EQUATORIAL GUINEA 511 ER ERITREA 62 ET ETHIOPIA 72 DJ DJIBOUTI 74 GB GABON 75 GA GAMBIA 90 GV GUINEA 107 IV IVORY COAST 114 KE KENYA 122 LT LESOTHO 123 LI LIBERIA 129 MA MADAGASCAR 130 MI MALAWI 133 ML MALI 136 MR MAURITANIA 137 MP MAURITIUS 143 MO MOROCCO 144 MZ MOZAMBIQUE 147 WA NAMIBIA 158 NG NIGER 159 NI NIGERIA 175 PU GUINEA BISSAU 181 ZI ZIMBABWE 182 RE REUNION 184 RW RWANDA 193 TP SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE 195 SG SENEGAL 197 SL SIERRA LEONE 201 SO SOMALIA 202 SF SOUTH AFRICA 203 SP CANARIES 206 SU SUDAN 209 WZ SWAZILAND 215 TZ TANZANIA ------------------- (1) For more information on the Numeric Area Code, refer to the end of Annex III. 217 TO TOGO 222 TS TUNISIA 226 UG UGANDA 233 UV BURKINA FASO 250 CG ZAIRE 251 ZA ZAMBIA 174 PO MADEIRA ** An area in the western part of Sahara Central America 8 AC ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA 12 BF BAHAMAS 14 BB BARBADOS 23 BH BELIZE 239 VI BR VIRGIN ISLANDS 36 CJ CAYMAN IS 48 CS COSTA RICA 49 CU CUBA 55 DO DOMINICA 56 DR DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 60 ES EL SALVADOR 86 GJ GRENADA 87 GP GUADELOUPE 89 GT GUATEMALA 93 HA HAITI 95 HO HONDURAS 109 JM JAMAICA 135 MB MARTINIQUE 138 MX MEXICO 142 MH MONTSERRAT 151 NA NETHERLANDS ANTILLES 157 NU NICARAGUA 166 PM PANAMA 177 RQ PUERTO RICO 188 SC ST KITTS AND NEVIS 189 ST ST LUCIA 191 SV ST VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES 220 TD TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 224 TK TURKS AND CAICOS 240 VQ US VIRGIN ISLANDS South America 9 AR ARGENTINA 19 BL BOLIVIA 21 BR BRAZIL 40 CI CHILE 44 CO COLOMBIA 58 EC ECUADOR 65 FA FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS) 69 FG FRENCH GUIANA 91 GY GUYANA 169 PA PARAGUAY 170 PE PERU 207 NS SURINAME 234 UY URUGUAY 236 VE VENEZUELA North America 33 CA CANADA 85 GL GREENLAND 231 US UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Greenland was truncated at meridian 60 and only part of the island was included in the digital map. South East Asia 26 BX BRUNEI 115 CB CAMBODIA 176 EA EAST TIMOR 66 FJ FIJI 101 ID INDONESIA 120 LA LAOS 131 MY MALAYSIA 28 BM MYANMAR 153 NC NEW CALEDONIA 168 PP PAPUA NEW GUINEA 171 RP PHILIPPINES 244 SS SAMOA 200 SN SINGAPORE 25 BP SOLOMON ISLANDS 216 TH THAILAND 219 TN TONGA 155 NH VANUATU 237 VM VIETNAM Australasia 10 AS AUSTRALIA 156 NZ NEW ZEALAND Near East, Far East 2 AF AFGHANISTAN 13 BA BAHRAIN 16 BG BANGLADESH 18 BT BUTHAN 41 CH CHINA 50 CY CYPRUS 76 GZ GAZA 96 HK HONG KONG 100 IN INDIA 102 IR IRAN 103 IZ IRAQ 105 IS ISRAEL 110 JA JAPAN 112 JO JORDAN 116 KN KOREA DE.PEOPLE'S REP. 117 KS KOREA REPUBLIC OF 118 KU KUWAIT 121 LE LEBANON 141 MG MONGOLIA 149 NP NEPAL 221 MU OMAN 165 PK PAKISTAN 179 QA QATAR 194 SA SAUDI ARABIA 38 CE SRI LANKA 212 SY SYRIA 225 TC UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 246 YE YEMEN D1: stands for Discrepancy in borders between Jordan and Israel, corresponding to Jerusalem, West Bank and Noman's Land (989, 994 and 990 area codes). D2: stands for Discrepancy in borders between Syria and Israel, corresponding to Golan (987 area code). D3: stands for Neutral Zone (between Saudi Arabia and Iraq, 993 area code). D4-D5: stand for the parts of Kashmir under Pakistan and India administration respectively (992 and 998 area codes). D6: stands for Aksai Chin and small pockets of land further south along the China - India border (996 area code). Data on Sikkim are included with India. Data for China include those for Taiwan province of China. Data on Cyprus in all instances refer to the whole island. Europe and West of the Urals 3 AL ALBANIA 6 AN ANDORRA 308 AM ARMENIA 11 AU AUSTRIA 309 AZ AZERBAIJAN 306 WH BALARUS 15 BE BELGIUM 320 YB BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA 27 BU BULGARIA 318 YC CROATIA 51 CZ CZECH REPUPLIC 510 ZC SLOVAK REPUBLIC 54 DA DENMARK 300 EO ESTONIA 64 FO FAEROE ISLANDS 321 YR FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA 67 FI FINLAND 58 FR FRANCE 307 GO GEORGIA 78 GE GERMANY 82 GI GIBRALTAR 84 GR GREECE 97 HU HUNGARY 99 IC ICELAND 104 ER IRELAND 106 IT ITALY 301 LV LATVIA 125 LS LIECHTENSTEIN 302 LN LITHUANIA 991 LU LUXEMBOURG 324 YD MACEDONIA 134 MT MALTA 304 MV MOLDOVA 150 NL NETHERLANDS 162 NO NORWAY 173 PL POLAND 174 PO PORTUGAL 304 MV REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA 183 RO ROMANIA 228 UR RUSSIAN FEDERATION 317 YL SLOVENIA 203 SP SPAIN 210 SW SWEDEN 211 SZ SWITZERLAND 223 TU TURKEY 305 UC UKRAINA 229 UK UNITED KIGDOM Data for the area of former Yugoslavia reflect the UN 1992 situation. Central and North East Asia 228 UR RUSSIAN FEDERATION 312 KZ KAZAKHSTAN 314 KG KYRGYZSTAN 311 TM TURKMENISTAN 313 TA TAJIKISTAN 310 UZ UZBEKISTAN Information on Numeric Area Code The two-letter code is ad hoc and does not conform to other conventions such as the ISO 2-letter code. The numeric code largely follows the FAO-ESS code, which is used for statistical databases provided by FAO and which will be used throughout WAICENT, FAO's World Agricultural Information Centre. Differences, which will be eliminated in so far as possible in further versions of the Digitized Soil Map of the World, are listed below: Africa: Ethiopia - code 62 refers to the former Ethiopia PDR which included the area of Eritrea. The code for Ethiopia will be 238. Eritrea - code 511, will be 178 An area in the western part of the Sahara - code **, will be 205 Europe: Czech Republic - code 51 refers to the former Czechoslovakia. The code for the Czech republic will be 167. Slovak Republic - code 510 will be : Slovakia 199 Europe and Central + North East Asia: Russian Federation - code 228 refers to the former Soviet Union. The code for the Russian Federation will be 185. All codes in the list larger than 299 will be changed in accordance with the FAO-ESS codes. These, and a comparison with ISO and UN codes, are given in Annex 4 of UNEP/ISSS/ISRIC/FAO 1993. If new or additional numerical codes are needed (for example for a new country or area), or for any queries, please contact Statistics Division (ESS), User Services Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Via delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 Rome, Italy FAX No: +39.6.52253152 or +39.6.52255155