Frequently asked questions
On our Library Hours page, you can see today's hours for all the UC Berkeley libraries and select a future date. Subject library homepages also display current hours.
Berkeley is in the Pacific Time Zone.
Hours vary by library and change during the academic year.
There are two types of libraries on campus: The University Library system and the Affiliated Libraries. The former includes Doe/Moffitt and the subject specialty libraries, while the latter are typically connected to particular departments, professional schools, or organized research institutes.
The Visitor Services website has extensive information about traveling to campus.
Library guide for campus visitors (Opens in a new tab.), includes directions, maps and parking instructions:
Map of all the campus libraries.
The Library will gratefully consider all gifts of recorded information which meet the instructional and research needs of the Berkeley academic community. Questions about gifts to the Library should be directed to Dirk Kennedy (Opens in a new tab.).
Please see How to Give (Opens in a new tab.) and click on "Book Donations" regarding criteria for acceptance, tax and appraisal considerations, and other information.
Find campus history, photographs, buildings, course catalogs/schedule of classes, yearbooks (The Blue and Gold), Daily Cal, and UC Berkeley dissertations, and more in the library guide, UC Berkeley History: Basic Sources (Opens in a new tab.).
More information
Our staff
Find a member of the Library’s staff in our staff directory.
Take a look at the Library’s organization chart (PDF).
Library administration comprises the University Library Cabinet, Library Roundtable, subject and functional councils, and standing committees of library staff.
- July 2024-present: Suzanne Wones
- 2015-2024: Jeffrey MacKie-Mason
- 2000-2015: Thomas C. Leonard
- 1998-2000: Gerald R. Lowell
- 1998: Penny Abel (Interim)
- 1994-1998: Peter Lyman
- 1992-1994: Dorothy Gregor
- 1978-1992: Joseph A. Rosenthal
- 1972-1978: Richard M. Dougherty
- 1971-1972: Eldred Smith (Interim)
- 1968-1972: James E. Skipper
- 1945-1968: Donald Coney
- 1919-1945: Harold L. Leupp
- 1875-1919: Joseph C. Rowell (First full-time University Librarian)
- 1874-1875: Professor Edward Rowland Sill, English; instructor Carlos F. Gompertz, Spanish
- 1869-1874: Professor William Swinton, English
Want to use the Library?
Library policies
The goal for all policies in the Library is to further excellence in the collections and services we offer and to create an environment that is welcoming and productive for our users. Library policies support the policies and priorities set by the campus and the Berkeley system, and are in alignment with state and federal regulations and requirements.
Visit the Library’s Communications + media page to read current and past installments of the Library’s Fiat Lux magazine and Annual Report, explore facts and figures, and keep up with the latest news about the Library.
Reach out to the Library’s Communications team for all media inquiries, including filming and photography requests.
Want to reach out to the Library? Start here.
- Ask a reference question.
- Ask a general question about our libraries or services.
- Get help with privileges and access.
- Recommend a purchase.
- Request duplication from monographs, journals, and other formats.
- Reach out for filming and photography requests.
See the UC Berkeley campus website for general information about UC Berkeley (courses, departments, publications, etc.).